Monday, November 3, 2008

Day Three, All of Me!

So, I did the third installment of 30. It's All of Me, written by Gerald Marks and Seymour Simons. This song has been around since 1931. In 1931 on this day, November 3rd, Monica Vitti (Italian actress) and Michael Fu Tieshan (Chinese bishop) were born.

So that was a Wikipedia tangent...where you're reading a Wikipedia article, and you end up clicking your way to something totally unrelated. I've heard a lot of my musician friends play this song, and one of my students said that "Everyone should know this song in every key!" I don't know if everyone needs to know this song in every key, but a jazz musician probably knows it well in at least three keys. It's a good tune, with a really solid chord progression, featuring falling-fifths sequences.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job! One of my favorites too.

This is my second year of NaBloPoMo. I'm not on the blogroll yet, but you can find me at Ukulele & All That Jazz.

Here's my version of All Of Me.

My Zimbio