Sunday, November 9, 2008

One of My Favorite Songs ever

I love this song, and I'm happy that I thought to include it in my gig book. Playing Saying Goodbye here was my Mom's idea, so thanks for the request, Mom! I also have a studio version available to listen to on my WEBSITE. I am thinking about doing a mini-set of this song, It's not Easy Being Green, and The Rainbow Connection. Here's the original, in case you were living under a rock when The Muppets take Manhattan was released in 1984.

Muppets Saying Goodbye - Free videos are just a click away

I really think it's good that kids who watch the Muppets are exposed to quality music like this, and no just the Hannah Montana rip-off tunes of today. They don't make tunes like this for kids anymore. Here's proof that the Muppets teach kids good stuff about music:

He's even using a metronome. And this one:

They're classical favorites, and they're well-done, on top of it. On the last one, I like how the chicken get out of their boxes at the end.

Now check out the impact:

Too cute. I remember singing all sorts of songs as a kid and recording them on my dad's super hi-tech tape recorder. Anyways, 25 years, many, many thousands of dollars
for music school and lessons, and too many hours to count later, here we go:

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